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Ethical Sourcing Executive Workshop
Globalization has made supply chains long and complex. Public, media, and government awareness of social and environmental issues has increased the risk for companies, but also created opportunities for those companies that have a strategy and a program for ethical sourcing. Some companies believe that it’s their sourcing program that provides a competitive advantage.
Workshop: Join us for this 2-day workshop which will give executives an overview of an integrated strategy and program for ethical sourcing. Learn from real world case studies which will show the risks of ignoring, and the benefits of practicing ethical sourcing. Hear and interact with practitioners discussing best practices in their companies.
Who Should Attend? The workshop is designed for executives with responsibility for ethical sourcing in their companies, and for executives whose areas of responsibility include sourcing. Participants will represent a variety of industries and companies of varying sizes. Seats are limited.
• Why ethical sourcing?
• Making the business case
• Designing the program
• Working with suppliers
• Communicating the program
• Challenges
Duration: 2 Days
Price: $990
Upcoming Schedule:
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