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Green Solutions
EESG Consulting’s energy saving solutions can achieve up to 10% cost savings and can be adapted to the sector and operational needs of each organization.
We specialize in four industry’s:
Green Solutions for Hotels
Green Solutions for the Banking Sector
Green Solutions for Restaurants
Green Solutions for the Retail Sector
Our Solutions are concentrated into three categories to give your business more eco efficiency:
- Green IT
- Carbon Management
- Composting
Carbon Management for the Banking Sector:
- Calculation of Green House Gas GHG emissions (measuring the carbon footprint) based on international standards
- Detection of key energy consuming sources
- Feedback report, with recommended energy and cost saving solutions, directly related to the energy consuming operations of the organization offices and/or branches. Optional offsetting of calculated GHG emissions and certification of the organization as “Climate Neutral”
- Calculation of Green House Gas GHG emissions (measuring the carbon footprint) based on international standards
- Detection of key energy consuming sources
- Feedback report, with recommended energy and cost saving solutions, directly related to the energy consuming operations of the organization offices and/or branches. Optional offsetting of calculated GHG emissions and certification of the organization as “Climate Neutral”
Green IT
Ink and Paper Saving Software at 50%
Main objective is the reduction of ink and paper consumption in work offices. The software is installed on PCs and gives the opportunity to the user of choosing to print either with 25% or 50% less ink per printed page. The printing quality is readable and can be easily used for internal use.
It is worth mentioning that for the same printing number and average purchasing cost of ink ($/£1000 per year), the use of the software can save up to $/£500.
The specific software can be installed on all PCs without technical support at your workplace and is compatible with all printers (inkjet, laser). It also provides the printing choice of documents with or without the specific software in case the user wants to print a formal document in enhanced quality.
The implementation of these solutions provides the following benefits:
Reduction both of the energy consumption and cost
Reduction of CO2 emissions
Recognition of your organisation as an innovative and environmental conscious one Customers, stakeholders and employees appreciate this trait
Becoming part of the solution in one of the most vital issues of the 21st century and contributing to overcome the energy shortage in many areas of the world
Software sustainability
Energy Saving and CO2 Reduction PC Software
The PC power management solution enables businesses to save power and makes huge savings on their energy bills. It quickly enhances the environmental credentials of private and public sector organizations, whilst improving operational efficiency.
The benefits of the Solution include:
The PC power management solution provides the following benefits
Reduces bottom-line energy costs .It has been estimated that for every PC and Server can be save up to 437 Kwh per year equals to $/£ 39.15
Reduces CO2 emissions. It has been calculated that it can reduce CO2 emissions (GHG ) by 188 kg CO2 per PC per year
Protects unsaved user data prior to shutdown
Provides fast, detailed reporting on current and potential future savings
Schedules daily, immediate or one-off shutdowns
Centrally controllable using any systems management tool
Minimizes the window of opportunity for virus infiltration
Composting for Hotels & Restaurants
Composting is nature’s process of recycling decomposed organic materials into a rich soil known as compost. Anything that was once living will decompose. By composting your organic waste you are returning nutrients back into the soil in order for the cycle of life to continue. Finished compost looks like soil–dark brown, crumbly and smells like a forest floor
Electric compost bins
Standard compost bins
Sustainable Travel Solutions
Transport contributes a quarter of the world’s total greenhouse gas emissions. Combined with economic pressures and areas of poor transport utilisation, it is clear that the way people travel must change. Carbon Voyage is built on the following underlying principles:
- People want transport to be cheaper and less damaging to the Earth
- Our partner Carbon Voyage has built technology to solve a large part of this problem
- Opportunities exist for all to benefit – passengers, transport providers, and of course the environment.
By taking a Carbon Voyage, or even just sharing a trip with someone else, you can make a contribution to reducing your environmental impact and at the same time, save money!
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