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Internal & External Communication

(Module 4)  Stakeholder Engagement

Internal & External Communication™ Course Summary

Sustainability (Sustainability), Corporate Citizenship, Triple Bottom Line, and Sustainable Business have all become catchphrases for movements developing within corporations to address the very serious and growing vulnerabilities facing our nation and the world. For simplicity, we will refer to these movements as Sustainability.

Sustainability includes a company’s social and environmental impacts as well as treatment of employees across its supply chain. Once thought to be a method for protecting reputation, research has reinforced the business case for Sustainability and the role it plays in shaping corporate reputation.

With multiple stakeholders including NGO’s, governments, the Social Responsible Investment (SRI) community and employees all demanding transparency, communicating Sustainability is complex. Corporate communicators frequently find themselves at the center of these movements charged with a continuum of activities from Sustainability reporting to employee and stakeholder engagement, to the initiation of joint ventures.

The course provides an overview of sustainability, its evolution, various models, metrics and stakeholders as well as key issues in communicating Sustainability including the use of online communities.


Learning objectives:  At the end of this course Delegates will:

  • Understand the roots of Sustainability
  • Understand the critical elements of a Sustainability initiative
  • Understand the Sustainability communication paradox
  • Understand the implementation issues of a Sustainability initiative
  • Develop a strategic communication plan for Sustainability
  • Audit an existing Sustainability initiative
  • Understand Internal Communications


Suitability – Who should attend?

This training course is suitable for:

  • Executives involved in strategic and operational functions, including finance, corporate strategy, human resources, supplier or community relations, and government affairs
  • Senior managers involved in setting up corporate governance or Sustainability initiatives
  • Corporate lawyers who wish to improve their understanding of new company law developments concerning corporate responsibility
  • PR/Stakeholder managers responsible for their organization’s dealings with the community, their employees and elsewhere
  • Managers involved in developing, implementing and monitoring change programs to improve standards of corporate behavior and business conduct


Price:   $680 USD (Course is one day).  10 am – 4pm.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Click Here to Register” style=”flat” color=”theme_style_2″ el_class=”contactusbtn” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Feesgconsulting.com%2Fcourse-registration-form%2F||target:%20_blank|”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″ offset=”vc_hidden-sm vc_hidden-xs”][stm_sidebar sidebar=”1654″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Upcoming Schedule:

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