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Introduction to Sustainability

Sustainability – An Introduction™

(Module 1)

Sustainability (Sustainability) in business is essentially about achieving economic success and competitive advantage by building reputation and gaining the trust of people.   Sustainability is fast becoming an integral part of corporate strategy, management practices, business operations and product development.

The concept and importance of Sustainability as a form of competitive self-regulation is integrated into a business model, and enhances business sustainability, provides new opportunities, develops customer loyalty and improves stakeholder relationships.  It is only recently that Sustainability practices have emerged as a priority and companies are beginning to realize it’s potential as a strategic management tool.

If you are one of those companies that would like to learn about the opportunities and benefits presented by Sustainability like enhanced reputation, trust, lower risks, improved organizational efficiencies and employee motivation then this workshop is for you.

The seminar will focus on building the business case for Sustainability and how being ethically responsible can lead to enhanced business performance. The participants will get a chance to hear from practicing local and international companies on why and how they adopted Sustainability and their journey from there. This seminar will also provide ample opportunity for companies to network, learn and share experiences.

Learning objectives: Attendees will be able to learn fundamentals, key Sustainability drivers, and current local and international trends in Sustainability in order to explain the business case for Sustainability’s enhancement of business performance, while they network, share experiences and identify potential Sustainability opportunities to maximize reputation, trust, efficiencies and employee motivation — while reducing risks.

Key learning outcomes

• Develop a clear understanding of sustainability

• Hear about local and international trends in Sustainability.

• Explore the key Sustainability drivers internationally

• Learn about the business case for Sustainability and how it benefits a company.


Who should attend?

This seminar is appropriate for Directors, HR managers, Communications managers, Risk managers, Sustainability managers and others responsible for a company’s success in the area of corporate responsibility.


$270 USD     (For a half day course)  10am – 1pm.


Upcoming Schedule:

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