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PR Channels of Sustainability

(Module 5)

PR Channels of Sustainability™ Course Description

The course provides participants with a clear overview of the key concepts involved in managing and developing organizational communications and reputation through Sustainability concepts. A central focus of the course is how PR is evolving into a more business-led, holistic approach best termed “reputation management”. Emphasis is placed on how organizational, brand and managerial communications can be developed so that a consistent, values-based approach is achieved, which can be aligned with brand strategy.

One of the principal messages of the course is how practitioners can adapt to the new technology ecosystem, filled with social influence, apps, and customer participation specifically with Sustainability concepts. Emphasis is placed on the proactive, strategic management of brands and their communication to a wide range of stakeholders.

The course will be of specific benefit to anyone who wishes to gain an overview of current practice in brand, Sustainability and marketing communications, with a focus on managing the overall reputation of a brand.

In this regard, the course has a multidisciplinary approach that reflects the skills and knowledge currently needed in the market to develop control and defend a brand.


Suitability – Who should attend?

The Sustainability training course is suitable for:

  • Executives involved in strategic and operational functions, including finance, corporate strategy, human resources, supplier or community relations, and government affairs
  • Senior managers involved in setting up corporate governance or Sustainability initiatives
  • Corporate lawyers who wish to improve their understanding of new company law developments concerning corporate responsibility
  • PR/Stakeholder managers responsible for their organization’s dealings with the community, their employees and elsewhere
  • Managers involved in developing, implementing and monitoring change programs to improve standards of corporate behavior and business conduct


Price:  $680 USD (Course is one day)[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”Click Here to Register” style=”flat” color=”theme_style_2″ el_class=”contactusbtn” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Feesgconsulting.com%2Fcourse-registration-form%2F||target:%20_blank|”][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Upcoming Schedule:

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