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Sustainable Tourism

Global economists forecast continuing international tourism growth, ranging between three and six percent annually, depending on the location. As one of the world’s largest and fastest growing industries, this continuous growth will place great stress on remaining biologically diverse habitats and indigenous cultures, which are often used to support mass tourism.

The emphasis on responsibility in responsible tourism means that everyone involved in tourism – government, product owners and operators, transport operators, community services, NGO’s and CBO’s, tourists, local communities, industry associations – are responsible for achieving the goals of responsible tourism.

The objectives of this Sustainable Tourism workshop include:

  • Getting to know the culture, politics, and economy of the communities
  • anticipating and respecting local cultures, expectations and assumptions
  • contributing to intercultural understanding and tolerance
  • supporting the integrity of local cultures by favoring businesses which conserve cultural heritage and traditional values
  • supporting local economies by purchasing local goods and participating with small, local businesses
  • conserving resources by seeking out businesses that are environmentally conscious, and by using the least possible amount of non-renewable resources.


Course Cost: $1,700 USD

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