Sustainability Consultants

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Sustainability Consultants

Our sustainability consultants�help any size business integrate Sustainability concepts into their business model to form sustainable corporate self-regulation.

Positive outcomes for our clients are exponential, and range from financial gains to improving operational efficiency.

A Proactive Stance On Responsibility

The emergence of sustainability reflects a world that increasingly expects, values and often demands accountability and responsibility for our actions, both as individuals and as businesses. Among many constituencies, how a company conducts its business is as important as the business itself. Social responsibility reports provide a proactive vehicle for telling your story from your perspective. Unlike many types of corporate reports, there is no cookie-cutter approach to social responsibility reporting. Content can range from highly quantitative and audited metrics on sustainability initiatives to human-interest stories that feature community involvement to corporate governance measures that ensure transparency. We work with our clients to help identify desired audiences, gather relevant content and determine effective formats in order to present an accurate portrayal of your company and its commitments.


-Supplier Sustainability Audits

-Sustainability & Sustainability Report Audit

-Stakeholder Management

-Sustainability Policy & Strategy

-Managing a whole Sustainability Report Project

-Writing content for a sustainability report

-Sustainability & Sustainability Research

-Communications Management


Our Strategic Advice is tailored to each client�s unique business context!

  • Trends Analysis
    Identifying key environmental, social and economic trends, and assessing their relevance to core business strategy and operations.
  • Materiality Analysis
    Assessing the business impact of, and societal interest in, the sustainability issues facing a company to guide strategy and/or reporting.
  • Business Case Development
    Developing robust, company-specific sustainability business cases to help gain traction and prioritize strategic options.
  • Climate Change Diagnostic
    Identifying and gauging the strategic, financial and operational risks and opportunities posed by climate change.
  • Tailored Intelligence
    Surveying the sustainability landscape for key news, reports and events to provide customized intelligence and insights.


  • Strategy Development
    Developing strategic, actionable business responses to sustainability issues and trends.
  • Climate Strategy
    Developing strategic responses to the risks and opportunities posed by climate change.
  • Innovation
    Exploring and evaluating the opportunity space for sustainable products, processes and business models.
  • Governance
    Evaluating and redesigning governance and management systems to embed and optimize sustainability performance.


  • Strategy Integration
    Guiding clients� integration of sustainability into diverse corporate functions and management systems.
  • Reporting & Communications
    Developing effective and credible sustainability reporting and communications for employees and external stakeholders (e.g. investors, NGOs, business partners).
  • Sustainable Supply Chain
    Identifying, prioritizing and managing sustainability risks and opportunities throughout the supply chain.
  • Branding for Sustainability
    Developing strategic, compelling and credible brand responses to sustainability risks and opportunities.


  • Sustainability Performance Evaluation
    Providing objective and credible evaluations and benchmarks of company sustainability performance and reporting.
  • Assurance
    Designing and implementing assurance processes that bring credibility to sustainability programs and communications.

Stakeholder Engagement

  • Stakeholder Identification & Prioritization
    Helping clients understand and map key stakeholder groups based on level of influence, type, geography and other criteria.
  • Engagement Design & Facilitation
    Designing and delivering a wide variety of stakeholder engagement processes to bring external perspectives, insights and validation to clients� sustainability efforts, including issue and crisis management, strategy and communications.
  • Stakeholder Assurance
    Designing and facilitating formal stakeholder assurance processes for sustainability reporting.
  • Expert Surveys
    In partnership with GlobeScan, conducting quantitative surveys on sustainability issues through our global network of sustainability experts.

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