Carbon Reduction

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Carbon Reduction

Global climate change is a phenomenon that could not be ignored by businesses of all sizes. Stringent regulations are introduced by governments to address the environmental issues and companies are often left with no choices but to make necessary reforms in their operations. Both stakeholders and employees need to be on the same page to successfully implement sustainability programs that reflect the company’s brand value.

Minimizing Carbon Footprint

EESG Consulting has established itself as one of the leading consultancies specializing in carbon footprint reduction. Our team helps companies to implement GHG Protocol Standard and ISO 14064 which regulates greenhouse emission standards. We provide greenhouse emission verification and offsetting services to ensure that companies operate in a minimized carbon footprint setting.

Energy Audits and Cost-Benefit Analysis

The energy efficiency of a building has a direct implication on greenhouse emission to the environment. Energy audits allow a company to identify measures that minimize energy consumption without compromising any of the outputs. Our auditors help your company to identify key areas where energy efficiency can be increased and proposed relevant action plans to follow through.

Life Cycle Assessments

One of the key improvisations towards a sustainable environment is to conduct proper Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) on a company’s products. Each stage of a product life cycle has direct and indirect implications on the surrounding environment. Our company conducts an assessment of important factors like materials, business process, and disposal to reduce negative effects on the environment.

Water Footprint

Managing water footprint is an equally important measure to ensure environmental sustainability and uninterrupted business operations. With growing global populations, the demand for fresh-water is increasing and unfortunately, the supply is limited to what nature provides.

A comprehensive study on the usage of fresh-water, either directly or indirectly in businesses helps to formulate plans that encourage a more efficient use of the limited resource. It helps to mitigate the effects of pollution and other issues that may cause the shortage of water and promote a fair and sustainable use of fresh-water in businesses.

Carbon Reduction Programs

Assess and develop programs that help your company minimize carbon footprints efficiently.

Product Life Cycle Assessments

Minimize the damaging impact of various production stages to the environment.

Talk to our Sustainability experts to start your company’s carbon reduction programs.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][stm_sidebar sidebar=”1654″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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