External Verification

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External Verification

With sustainability being one of the criteria that is constantly scrutinized by both consumers and investors, businesses are taking forward steps in ensuring they stay compliance. Acquiring external verification is one of the best ways to ensure accountability and transparency in the companies sustainability efforts.

EESG Consulting provides external verifications solution in the form of report assurance based on leading standards like AA1000AS, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), CDP, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol or ISO26000. Having external verification conducted builds the credibility of a company in regards to their sustainability programs and policies.

EESG Consulting is licensed with AA1000AS, the most widely used framework for sustainability external verification. Our company also provides verification and assurance for greenhouse gas emission and carbon footprint of an organization.

External Verification With AA1000AS

Ensure that your company stays compliant and transparent with the AA1000AS framework.

Carbon Reduction Verification

Calculating and ensuring carbon reduction strategy of your company meets the relevant criteria.

Talk to our Sustainability experts to start your company’s external verification process.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][stm_sidebar sidebar=”1654″][/vc_column][/vc_row]