Sustainability & Sustainability Report Audit

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Sustainability & Sustainability Report Audit

In today’s increasingly transparent world, companies may no longer report only financial performance to a limited group of shareholders. They have the responsibility to provide detailed reporting to a wide range of stakeholders.

This open, constructive and objective communication is most often done through a separate report on sustainable development or sustainability (Sustainability), or through integrating this information into the annual report.

To prevent these reports from being perceived as pure marketing tools, it is important to give them a quality label that demonstrates reliability, transparency and objectivity.

Although companies are not yet obliged to do so, more and more are nevertheless requesting their audit certificates on their sustainability and Sustainability reporting, based on the new international guidelines for such auditing.

To meet the needs of these clients, our audits can be performed according to three assurance standards:

AA1000 Assurance Standard: Stakeholder Engagement Standard Developed by AccountAbility, the UK Institute of Social and Ethical Accountability.

International Standard on Assurance Engagement  (ISAE) 3000: Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information (effective 1 January, 2005), developed by IFAC.

International Organization for Standardization 26000


How is reporting changing?

        Corporate governance; Although 92 percent of G250 companies disclose a corporate governance code of conduct or ethics, only 59 percent report on incidents of non-compliance with the code.


        Supply chain : Nearly all G250 companies have a supply chain code of conduct, but only half disclose the details of how it is implemented and monitored.


        Climate change : While 62 percent of G250 companies disclose information about climate risks, 69 percent of N100 companies do not . Whereas understanding the risks starts with understanding the footprint, a large part of the G250 (41 percent) need to develop this. Carbon footprint reporting is focused largely on the own operations.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][stm_sidebar sidebar=”1654″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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